Friday, April 27, 2007

They are Winning but We Have Not Lost

From the NY Times Review of “At the Center of the Storm,” By former DCI, George Tenet:

"Mr. Tenet expresses puzzlement that, since 2001, Al Qaeda has not sent “suicide bombers to cause chaos in a half-dozen American shopping malls on any given day.” …“I do know one thing in my gut, Al Qaeda is here and waiting.”"

Yes sir, but your gut has proven to be completely and utterly unreliable. It is not worthy of our trust or consideration.

To a tin foil hat wearing nut like me, the terrorists have no need to attack our shopping malls. No need to disable the electrical grid. Although these acts could be easily carried out, they would do nothing that would further their overall strategy and might in fact, hurt their overall strategy. The targets on 9/11 were carefully chosen. The center of market capitalism and the executive branch of our government. These were symbolic targets. The symbolism being these were the perceived sources of the injustices at the root cause of terrorism.

In fact there is another reason not to attack shopping malls or infrastructure. The terrorists are already winning and the current course and policy is their most able ally:

  1. We are slogging though a quagmire in Iraq costing us billions of dollars and thousands of lives, not to mentioned those injured and maimed. Both our own solders, and innocents who are caught in the way
  2. We have lost all credibility and are no longer trusted in the community of nations. As a result our power is greatly diminished.
  3. We have abused and broken our military. Von Clausewitz said the most effective military force is the one held in reserve, and we have no reserve.
  4. We have lost the rule of law at home. We have rule by caveat, and signing statement. Not legislation. Our system of justice, once a beacon to the world, is now cited as an example of our hypocrisy.

From the long view, the result is our days as the world’s only superpower are numbered. Imagine... bringing down a superpower with 4 airplanes.

Had we reacted differently to the events of 2001 we would not be on this path. Had we reacted with determination in Afghanistan, and not gotten distracted in a war of choice in Iraq. Had we asked why? on more than just the superficial level, and implemented policies that would address root causes rather than just benefit certain special interests, we would not be on this path.

We can change course. The scale is past the tipping point but it is not fully tilted. We have not lost.

I recall this definition of insanity: To continue trying the same thing over and over, even though it has not worked in the past.