The MSM calls it an "implosion", but to my mind the house of cards is falling down under the weight of all the lies. Now we learn that White House staff used RNC email accounts to avoid the Presidential Records Act. Reading Paul Krugman today we find the executive branch has been infiltrated by a certain brand of religious extremist. Then there is the whole Paul Wolfawitz/World Bank/girlfriend thing. To me the scary thing is these people are out of control but still in control. I fear it will take a long time to undo the damage they have done.
Many blame this on incompetence. To my mind it has been the strategy of this administration from the beginning. The idea has been to reduce our faith in government by making it not work. As much as I disliked Bill Clinton, I have to say that his administration made the government work, and work as well as it had in a generation. The theme of the conservative movement is: Government is the problem, not a part of the solution. Well I guess that begs the question: What is the solution? Letting the marketplace decide? Hah! Begging the question: What is the problem? For conservatives it is certainly not creating a better life for all.
I think the framers got it right. I continually amazed at their brilliant foresight. We now get to witness the checks and balances they envisioned work in real time. A slow process, but in any system stability does not come with rapid change .